Wednesday, November 5, 2008


To all those who still have years of high school ahead of them, my advice to you is not to take more than one art subject unless you are seriously dedicated.

Tomorrow I have two portfolios due, photography and design. For the past couple of weeks I have been sleep deprived, gone from having no appetite to binge eating on anything, lost sight of my social life, taken extra days off work (no money!) and I cannot find where I put my mind.

It turely is the 11th hour and I still have five photography college compositions to string up aswell as four to eight double page spreads for design. I have been one of the many students who have made sacrafices to get their work done and I am still not finished.

I am absolutely amazed at how some students at my school are managing three porfolios. This is the most stressful time of year and my heart has never raced so much as well as skipped so many beats. I cannot strain how much of a bad idea it is taking more the one art subject, you truely have to stay focused, up to speed, check in with teachers regularly, have the most outstanding attendance and dedication if you want to pass without going fucking crazy.

I am going fucking crazy...

On the bright side, once they are done, they're done. This Friday is a teacher only day so I can chill out and have a long weekend before hitting the books to study for my two exams, which are in two weeks. After November 20th I have completed high school and (fingers crossed) passed level 3 (or atleast got UE).

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