Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Spike Jonze by Thurston Moore by Spike Jonze

Spike Jonze by Thurston Moore (Sonic Youth) by Spike Jonze (director of Where The Wild Things Are) in the November issue of Interview magazine.

TM: I challenge you to a question-off.
SJ: [Nervous laughter] Oh, I didn't know that this was taking place in that form. I know how good you are at this. I'm scared. All right. What do you got?
TM: I'll start easy: Did you ever get into trouble as a teen? Like, real trouble? Like, getting handcuffed-by-the-cops trouble?
SJ: Nice. Were you ever a hardcore kid? Like, really into Minor Threat and Black Flag?
TM: Is the past a grotesque animal?
[A smattering of polite applause from the crowd.]
SJ: If a 10-ton truck killed both of us, would that be a truely heavenly way to die?
TM: Did you ever go on a skate date with a rad skater girl where both of you romantically thrashed around on skateboards?
[A couple of chuckles, but there is not clear leader as far as the crowd is concerned. More of a wait-and-see attitude.]
SJ: Are there any books you've read that you'd really like to do a movie of?
[An audible, collective sigh in the audience. Jonze looks nervous.]
TM: Do you fall in love fast and deep, or do you exact caution and willpower?
[The crowd applauds again. The judges make some notes.]
SJ: What man would you be cool making out with?
[A man seated in the back of the crowd gets up to leave.]
TM: Have you ever had the shit kicked out of you?

It is a column and a bit of questions, so I wont type it all out, but if you ever find the Magazine (Magnetix is sold out) so have a geez on page 85 or borrow mine.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I was due for a photo

I am thinking about what to write. I could share with you my weekend experience in the horrors of Auckland and brag about what I bought and what adventures occurred, but I wont, because in reality, there is nothing interesting about Auckland whatsoever.

I feel like writing more reviews, but on books, music etc. etc. Like real reviews with real substance, but I dont think that this blog is suited for that sort of information all the time.

So I really have nothing to say, I am mainly just asking questions in my head, talking and arguing in my head as apose to on here. Sorry, but this means that you miss out on all the english spinning around inside my head.

Above are some bad quality shots of my mug for you to indulge in.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Too much effort

I am frequently having those days when I just cannot be bothered. Sometimes I wish as though I had dropped out of school at sixteen, worked some lame ass job until I had just enough money to flat or travel where ever around the world, whenever. I just want to be a drifter.

I've completed high school and now I am working the same part time job for over seven months, that is still paying me the same low dollar, which I cant even save on and I am sitting at home studying just so I can pass two pathetic exams which will lead me in to university for next year. My life is feeling so damn planned right now - I mean fuck, I'm checking my e-mail everyday to see whether I've been accepted in to Massey.

So what if I pass my exams, finish university and begin a life of what I always intended, where is my spontaneity? I look up to people who just do nothing, but make a life out of something, living like however by doing whatever - how free spirited! I just wish I had the balls to have done something like that.

It's not too late to start though, I'm not old or anything, I just think I'm being a bit gutless living at home. If I were just an independant lone ranger I could be so much more interesting and lead a more experienced life.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

School is out

It was the hottest day today, like so deathly hot I couldnt handle it and am still over heating in nothing at the moment.

So it was my last day of school today and my gosh the day would not end! At leavers assembly people were singing, rapping and yapping away while tears leaked and balloons popped. It was mildly painful to sit there for two hours. I guess one thing I regret at my two years at WHS is that I didnt make many friends - I dont think I was hated, although I am sure some people there do strongly dislike me, it is just I didnt make the kind of friends who you spend your lunch times and weekends with and sometimes that can be awkward and embarrassing when it comes to those situations of needing at least one person to stick to.

I am currently in an odd state of mind and it isnt just finishing school. Getting broken text messages at of the blue really screw with my head because I am such an analyzer - I almost always end up convincing myself it is the worst case scenerio and get in a really shitty mood.

I just need to be in an atmosphere where everything doesnt feel so complicated and communication isnt a barrier.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Not another Saturday night

Saturday keeps replying in my head. Zoe popped in to work with my paid off Holga and then after work Edward, Dan, Josh, Olwyn and I went to vote - that thrill lasted two minutes... two ticks! I caught on to the lamest and somewhat most surreal feeling - realising that I have human rights.

That night I went to Mighty Mighty with the usual crowd of Megan, Khounthear, Olwyn, Ben, Joellene and plus and minus a few faces. The Tutts were playing and I was in my boozed up wonderland. Eventually I lost the majority of people I knew that night but ended up being introduced to a bunch of new [who-seem-sweet] people thanks to Angus. There was a lot of dancing... swing dancing? I assume that is how I ripped my brand new Alice McCall skirt... and there were camera flashes everywhere, as I experimented with my first Holga film.

Conversations from that night still make me blush and episodes from that night I still dont recall. The last thing I remember was sitting around in my tights and Josh's shirt, eating the best home made chips that Timmy made before crashing out in mid-morning hours at the Torrens flat.

It seems like just another Saturday night but I am still smiling and running on a really good buzz, so I must have had a really special time!

As for school I have completed all full days at school. This week is all messed up half days with Wednesday being our final day and farewell. I handed in my photography and design portfolios on Thursday evening at six thirty and now all I have to do is sit an exam on the 19th and one of the 20th, before heading to Auckland for the weekend - which I'll admint, will probably be the biggest waste of time and money! But whatever...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


To all those who still have years of high school ahead of them, my advice to you is not to take more than one art subject unless you are seriously dedicated.

Tomorrow I have two portfolios due, photography and design. For the past couple of weeks I have been sleep deprived, gone from having no appetite to binge eating on anything, lost sight of my social life, taken extra days off work (no money!) and I cannot find where I put my mind.

It turely is the 11th hour and I still have five photography college compositions to string up aswell as four to eight double page spreads for design. I have been one of the many students who have made sacrafices to get their work done and I am still not finished.

I am absolutely amazed at how some students at my school are managing three porfolios. This is the most stressful time of year and my heart has never raced so much as well as skipped so many beats. I cannot strain how much of a bad idea it is taking more the one art subject, you truely have to stay focused, up to speed, check in with teachers regularly, have the most outstanding attendance and dedication if you want to pass without going fucking crazy.

I am going fucking crazy...

On the bright side, once they are done, they're done. This Friday is a teacher only day so I can chill out and have a long weekend before hitting the books to study for my two exams, which are in two weeks. After November 20th I have completed high school and (fingers crossed) passed level 3 (or atleast got UE).

Monday, November 3, 2008

Three line paragraphs are pointless, as is this blog

Oh dear, try having a fantastic photography teacher who you dont want to hate, but who happens changes the whole direction of your portfolio with five days until the deadline.

I now have three days until my portfolios are due. My photography one is now seriously lacking as I have had to start from scratch. This is so painful for me and all my previous work just doesnt feel appreciated.

As for design I am going quite well with only half a board to go until I have completed all three, but then of course there is the whole sticking down process which is an utter time muncher.

I may end up turning down photography scholarship... Oh well, atleast they saw I had potentional, I just wish I chose an easier topic and planned ahead.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Two things that I am looking forward to in the future

Where does Karen Walker get her ideas? Well do your research and you will discover that German jewellery designer Thomas Sabo has played some subliminal part. Finally Wellington is going to be presented with original, outrageous, sterling silver pieces and I am disgustingly excited. For someone who doesnt wear a lot of jewellery, I am already picking and choosing dangerously darling pieces out of the collection, "Rebel At Heart". Wellington people in-the-know will only be able to purchase Thomas Sabo at Hanne Anderson. The collection will be in stores within the next few months, so keep an eye out and I can pin point a date when I get the get go!

James Franco shares tongues with Gus Van Sant and Raf Simmons spits lips with Kanye West. No, this isnt some absurb meet and greet at destination dream land, it is reality! The latest issue of Interview magazine "The Courage Issue" slid down a rainbow and in to stores today and my disorted, romantically, sick fantasies have all come true. Interview magazine is published in New York and twindles its way down to New Zealand for only $9.90 - suppose like every magazine it has it's advertising (more advertising, less substance, less dollars = you're a dumbass) but, Interview has got the most healthy balance with a steady price tag that I have came across during my working days at Magnetix. Future issues of this magazine are promising!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Self centered bitch

Talking about yourself and typing out weekend events and memories can be embarrassing. People do seems to get the idea that you are an attention seeking slave, but really, how else am I to remember all the good things that occur during my youth.

If you do read my blog regularly, stumble across it by pure chance or even just decide to jump in to my pretentious world and skim read previous entries, you will probably discover a whole new or multiple different sides to me, you wouldnt be presneted with when you get me in person. You may even find out aspects of me that I dont even know exsist and I hope that my few paragraphs make you judge and form an opinion on me, I dont know why I hope that, but I just do.

Blogging gives me a chance to think. Write to Think, Scribo ut cogitem.

Well, I cant exactly review anything with a critical view because I havent actually attended any events with that state of mind, although I will add that if you are reviewing something, anything, give your fucking opinion, be critical. Infact my journalism review piece is on people who claim to review events or whatever but actually just inform or state the fucking obvious. I could end up contradicting myself, but I will be very clever.

Events I have attended recently for the sake of having a good time have include The DHDFD's at Mighty Mighty, This City Sunrise's last New Zealand show at Good Luck before moving to Melbourne and a gig at Valve that Dehumanize (my boyfriend Josh) put on consisting of Cult of the Cobra, In Cahoots and I cant remember who else...

There is so much more coming up in the next few weeks, especially with Halloween hiding in the shadows around the corner, but 2009 is going to be incredible.

The Big Day Out first announcement has been made, but I am hanging out for the second one, even though I know I will be going and road tripping. The Teenagers are heading over in January aswell and so are Fleet Foxes. I dont know who Fleet Foxes are, if thats how you spell it, or whatever but am told I have to go because it is for my friend Ben's birthday and it will be a big love fest or something. It sounds good. I am hanging out for Morrissey who is also coming at the beginning of 2009 and it is said he also does play some songs by The Smiths so that should be amazing. And of course I already have my ticket for the final Camp A Low Hum in February.

I am stoked that I can do this all without having to worry about going back to school or not being able to get my hands on forms of intoxication.

Next year I plan to be attending Massey University in Wellington. I will be doing a Bachelor of Design in Photographic Deign. Monash Univeristy in Melbourne went down the drain, but I am still holding on to the idea. Future plans include two years at Massey, one year at Monash in Melbourne and then my final year with Monash University but either finishing off my degree in France, Italy or England.

Well I dont know what else to say really... Stay posted and nosey, I guess.

Monday, September 22, 2008

1 + 8 = 18

September 17th-21st was one hell of a birthday extravagaza. Thank you to those who bombarded me with birthday wishes via technological devices or meet, greets and outings. All those contributions made me a very happy birthday girl.

Last week wasnt just my birthday but also Air New Zealand Fashion Week. I was avoiding the hype as there was nothing for me to get hyped about and I couldnt be bothered reading the crap on Runway Reported. However I came across a new blog which has been enjoyable to read as Ellen Falconer who is the author of Hearts on Fire gives an opinion and really makes hearing about Fashion Week not so pretentious and fuck off wanky.

It is adorable with a some jazz. She does not strain from the truth and reality. Thank fuck for reality!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Your fortune of fail

Why are some people such fucking idiots? Are they even that stupid? It goes with their stereotype, but really can you actually be so dumb? Obviously.

For fucks sake someone who gets exposed so regularly needs to make a break through with something good, for the better. I am getting so fed up with today's "celebrity" clientel. There are bigger and more important things in this world than you.

Shit, get off your high horse, what is it that you really do, that really matters to and will really help change the world? Because whatever it is now is doing shit all. You are encouraging deadly sins that we are already finding hard to draw away from.

What you do in your life cant be that rewarding.

Fuck, I hate what surfing the internet does to me, makes me all bi-polar and Miss Big Contradiction.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Save 2008 seventh form students

All I know is that during this past weekend I have learnt that a lot of us are confused with what to do next year, as we draw closer to the real world. It happens every year with a new lot of students but I am in it this year and I am sitting on a pointy fucking fence which is very uncomfortable!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Fuck you September

For once I had a bad day away from my classes. I had a productive full day at school with motivation just looping around my body during photography and art design and I think that I am finally on a role with both of my folios.

It wasnt until school was over when I sunk in to my seat and repeated the f-word. It was so strange, usually things would be the opposite but because I have had the chance to actually think about my future I really feel like stabbing something.

Perhaps I should put all my options in to balloons and pop them one by one until there is one balloon left and that being the direction I take in life. However, knowing my luck it would be the worse. Yet knowing my predicitions, that bad luck could have potentional to surprise me with what I wanted in the first place. Thus making the balloon idea, well, stupid.

I'm feeling a bit short straw at the moment and slowly growing awkward. I just e-mailed someone that I look up to a letter that I wrote on the bus, filled with 21 question marks. I am afraid that it may be a bit invasive and perhaps tonight wasnt the appropriate time to send it off, but I was peaking on pen and paper and if I stop I'll never climb up my ladder.

Some of the questions I was asking was something a religious person may ask their God or a stoner would bring up in conversation for some fucked up knowlegde. It was so self-indulged - oh fuck, I am self-indulged.

Self-induglement was basically the theme of todays special conversation.

Sunday, August 31, 2008


I was on a nine o'clock bus with a triple shot flat white this morning. My bus driver decides to be a wanker and makes it difficult for me to pull out ID to prove that I should still get a cheap fare. Then instead of going through to Island Bay he gets caught up in a daze and takes the bus to Newtown.

Last nights Summer party was choice - would chat about it but am currently in a grossed out state of mind, even though I am still buzzing on good vibes with a headache and guts that need throwing up.

The best way to eat ice cream is with a friend who wears a fluffy brown hat. It is basically the only way to eat ice cream.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

All at a fast pace

If you tilt your head lightly against the window of a viabrating bus, it feels like the way your eyes shift when you are on ecstasy.

Seeing life with your veil pulled off is creepily comforting. It is an unusal and rare feeling that I try to grasp and hold on to for as long as I can, almost like deja vu. However when I am looking through the veil I dont feel as though the world is staring at me. In a sense it holds its own comfort and conformity - I dont want to like it, but I do.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Quite possibly already this months most used catch phrase from a movie trailer of a film that I havent even seen yet.

Friday night, the eighth of August 2008 and I say fuck you to the Olymics. 08/08/08 was the celebration of Mark and Josh's twenty first birthday. Three bands played and once again flat thirteen was over flowing with sexy faces.

I speak in maths. I spoke in sentences that are paragraphs long...

Another new drug related experience for me and it has been the best so far. Words were thrown around and money was thrown out. The amount of cash that went towards alcohol and drugs was the best idea that everyone had.

"Memories are the best! There are times from that night that I cant stop playing over, they are the times that I can only remember so I asume they are the best times, the ones that will probably always stick with me. Everytime I look at the photo of me and Josh I get the best feeling and the best trigger of amazing thoughts. I am so happy! I am so happy with him! Ahhh I'm such a girl... Friday night I was totally in the present, I forgot what the future and past was. I was living in the moment, for the moment and it was quite possibly the most surreal feeling I have felt, because it is so rare with me and I am still trying to hold on to it..."

Saturday night was Olwyn's nineteenth and a fantastic time to mellow out with friends was watching episodes of The Mighty Boosh, playing pool hopelessly and eating greasy, delicious food. We did a Sunday brunch at Sweet Mother's Kitchen the next day and keeping it small was a pleasure.

What I am not going to do

I will not be adding images to my blog on the film Teeth and I will also not be writing a blog about the film Patti Smith: Dream of Life.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Va-gi-na den-ta-ta

It is the syllables that do it for me. Vagina dentata, is the ancient myth of females having two sets of teeth. To state the obvious, one in the mouth and the other 'down there'.

Director Mitchell Lichtenstein bought to life this myth in the film Teeth in no better way than a black comedy-horror. People have been saying that it is like the Scream of our time, although I argue in the sense that our leading lady Dawn, isnt intentionally chomping down on dicks and brutally ending her predators lives the first couple of fucks.

There are more than enough interesting scenes to have you laughing in disgust. Naked boys with cut off cocks, one raped by a crab, the other goes blue and even a piercing. But dont worry, I certainly havent ruined the film because there is so much more to surprise you and bits and pieces to create more of a story line then just 'going all the way' for the last time.

Males may cringe in horror, but isnt that the point? I think you just have to see it to be classed as a cool kid and keep up with all the news things, if you're that way socially inclined.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Gonzo: The Life and Work of D Hunter S. Thompson

Hunter S. Thompson: believed to be an absolute genius, icon, idol, boozer and cokehead of the lunatic type who loves guns. Hunter feels completely surreal; a man who plans his funeral and fuck-off huge monument years before he actually blasts off his head, must truely be a self indulgent prick and any man who has his head stuck up his ass so far, yet rambles on about the scene as anyone would, while being so well recieved, can be a friend of mine.

People have argued but I feel as though Alex Gibney did a fantastic job at portraying Hunter in a documentary format. I was always fully amused by what people had to say about Hunter, the archival footage was magic and I dont think that anyone was trying to hide any side of Hunter. All was revealed and revealed well.

Johnny Depp appropriatly narrated the documentary and I have discovered that he actually paid for Hunter's over the top funeral in early 2005.

I support this documentary far too much. I would like to say that it is the best documentary that I have seen so far in my life due to its style and awesome transitions. I think that every journalist-in-the-making should take in the life and work of Dr Hunter S. Thompson, even though there is a smidget of hype.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Be Kind Rewind

Michel Gondry's latest film is Be Kind Rewind and I have to admit that the selection on Gondry's films that I have seen are slowly but surely spiriling downward. Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind was a masterpiece, The Sciene Of Sleep was adorable but ended with an unfinished ending that really crawled beneath my skin and
Be Kind Rewind gets a two out of five star rating.

I attended the film with Olwyn and I went with good intentsions and vibes. Dinner beforehand was excellent and the wine was delicious, but what really kicked it off was scoring Zoe a free ticket to the film, but the film was all hype.

Be Kind Rewind consists of horribly cliche characters who play out a completely z-worthly storyline. Jack Black's character finally made it clear to me that I am certainly not a fan of him as an actor and Gondry's lack of unique quirkiness made me rather disappointed.

The film was a let down, all hyped up with very few laughs, but as a whole a complete waste of $14.50! However I do think that the film is worth checking out on DVD, especially on Tuesdays when it will cost you only $2.50 to hire it out at Island Bay's video store.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pop Skull

What drew me to Pop Skull was its blurb. What teenager who is interested in the film festival isnt all for watching a twenty-something year old fuck around with pharmaceuticals?

Unfortunatly I am unable to tell you much about the film as I am a wuss with a background of epilepsy who wound up not being able to withstand the hallucinations and fast paced lights. My mind was being brutally fucked and eyes, torn between the attractive muted colours on screen but beaten up pupils from the strobe-like editing.

I believe that Pop Skull is going to be a film that brings together all you trippy, indie film types who enjoy a good good/bad experience. However what annoyed me was not only the fact that I could only put up with half an hour of the film but that there is no epileptic warning in the film festival booklet. Although there is an epileptic warning at the beginning of the film, there goes by $14.50.

I scribble this down in the Paramount foyer while I was waiting for Olwyn who was still in the theatre. My head was aching and black splotches were appearing in front of me. I watched other people walk out of the film aswell.

This is not to say that Pop Skull is a horrible film, because I wouldnt know. I cant form an opinion except for it still intrigues me. I just wish I had to option to actually view the film without being paranoid that I was going foam at the mouth and die.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Free Night

Last night was a great way to end my two week of holidays off school. I worked all day wearing my Lonely Hearts navy blue, studded and ruffled dress which was totally inapropriate, but I looked quite cute so I figured it was okay.

Olwyn meet me after work and bought in with her a new purchase, which is this killer tarten, studded and ruffled Lonely Hearts dress which she picked up from the Artikel sale. I made her put it on and it was made for her. I am not just saying this because she's my friend, but it actually fits her so incredibly well and deffinatly has aspects of her within the material.

We walked up to Midnight to meet Ben for a coffee and then the three of us went to the Lela Jacobs show. You can read about that all in my previous blog because it was really good and the collection is dreamy. Joellene joined us later at the show but soon her and Ben left. Olwyn and I stuck around and had another wine, red wine.

I dont deal with red wine too well, especially on an empty stomach so I was getting a bit silly and was embarrassed at the fact that I was such a light weight. It felt like the first time I had ever has alcohol or something! Olwyn and I ended up leaving and went back to Midnight so I could eat something before drinking again.

Midnight is the best, I will always love that place and I dont know why the words "crepe" and "mushroom" sound attractive but they taste fantastic together! So I was making a dick out of myself before nine o'clock ever rolled around - however I guess that isnt unusual for me...

Later Olwyn and I rolled around to Kaitlyn's flat and began to drink. I ended up running away to the Torrens Flat in the rain to see Josh before he went off to his party. At the flat there was more free alcohol, everyone just kept offering and I wasnt complaining.

Josh went off to his party and I stuck around with Megan, Khounthear etc. at the flat before I couldnt contain my dancing and we just HAD to leave and go to Mighty Mighty.

The Naked & Famous were playing except hadnt started yet, someone paid for me to get in to the Mighty which was sweet and then Megan ended up buying me this really delicious drink. Olwyn and Kaitlyn were at Mighty too and we had fun up until I left.

I wish I had bought my camera...

Everything was free on Saturday except for my taxi ride home! Fuck you, $22 that is complete ass!
I owe my friends wonderful things.

School Of Shadows

Screw Marc Jacobs, I am talking about Lela Jacobs!

Last night I attended the Lela Jacobs show for her brand new collection "School Of Shadows". The event was held at a sweet little art gallery that I always forget the name of, but it was on Vivian Street next to a brothel.

I had total digs on the fact the Lela's show wasnt your typical runway. Instead of a catwalk, five of her six models stod statuesque for a length of time while a large audience circulated their way around the hall. Slowly the models began to move and whether it was allowed or not the audience would interact.

Lela's six and all very naturally stunning models consisted of five girls and one guy, including Zhoe Granger who is with Red 11 Talent and Modelling Angecy in Auckland and who recently did the School Of Shadow promotional shoot.

The collection is still upholding Lela's signature style. It has it edge with flowing materials and limited colour pallet, like shadows. There is a lot of detail in selected pieces and of course multiple ways that you can wear the items. Her necklace's represented the letters 'S.O.S' so we are also hit with multiple meanings.

I loved the fact that Lela incorporated paint in to her show. Each model had half of one of their hands painted white which looks like they're starting to disapear and also the male model had "S.O.S" painted on his chest as though it was one of the necklaces. Make up seemed to be limited or non-existent which helped to simplify eveything - deffinatly a good option.

Something new from Lela Jacobs is brow paper bag shoes with laces. Totally disfunctional but interesting. I wonder what was behind that idea.

Lela Jacob's, School Of Shadows collection will be in Artikel around August/September. Make sure you go in a check out the pieces, you will be impressed.

A Complete History Of My Sexual Failures

Directed by one of the most humourous "mentally ill" independant film makers, A Complete History Of My Sexual Failures is a comedic documentary flaunting to the world how incredibly hopless Chriss Waitt is at holding on to a romantic relationship.

Whether it is a phone call, a text message, e-mail or even a 'boyfriend' character in a book (who gets brutally murdered), Chris Waitt has been dumped by all his girlfriends of the past. Through out the film we are taken on the road with Chris to track down all his ex-girlfriends and ask them face-to-face, why is he consistantly being dumped.

Chris attempts to find love again by hooking himself up with a MySpace page and when your not watching his ego die when he isnt being told how much of an asshole he is by girls who dispise him or worrying about how many MySpace friends he has, you will certainly be getting some full on male frontal nudity while he gets his balls whipped by a dominatrix and going to see a doctor about Viagra.

The ball whipping ends with a bag of frozen peas across his crotch, while the Viagra is an experiment gone wrong - asking over three hundred random women on the street if they will please have sex with him.

Chris Waitt concludes that all his exes are clearly crazy and yes, in the end this messy, slack, self-absorbed, Kurt Cobain look alike, "really believe he was Jesus" independant film maker ever finds love.

Edited and documented so well, you could almost forget that ACHOMSF is a real life. Quite possibly the funniest documentary I have came across in my life so far!
Meet Chris Waitt, his mother, his penis and all the women on the planet who never wanted to see him ever again.

Paramount Cinema, Wellington
Monday 21st July

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Figure 8

I am real fucked off with New Zealand at the moment.

I am slowly starting to discover that the industry I want to be a part of is a whole bunch of ass. I kinda feel wimpy, pathetic and let down. If I am not out of this country to futher develop my career I am sure that I will kill myself - and dont go all fuck you on me for saying those two words, because I have every right to say them. I know what this world is in for...

I often think, maybe because I am not getting all that I want now will be made up for in the future and I guess that is why I keep living this life and dreaming my dream.

It all sounds rather cliche and sick, I cant even believe that even I have dragged myself down to such a low level to even write about this crap and use such uninventive words to construct my petty sentences. I am second guessing myself with my fucking career choice because I cant seem to get out of this horrible, consistant, loop!

It is like a fucking figure eight, with one side positive and the other negative. Right now I am at the intersection going from positive to negative. Ha, I think I just managed to describe my way of life inside my head. Yeah, all in a fucking simile - real genius...

Maybe I am just trying too hard to beat the system, to beat English by discovering something so much more beyond similes, metaphors, pardoxs etc. Or maybe I am just trying too hard in general.

So New Zealand, no I havent changed over the years. I may dress different, cut my hair different, act different but inside I am exactly the same. Here in this blog I share with you a lot of what I say to myself and if you dont see multiple personalities within these entries, then you wont understand at what I am getting at here.

I am Nicolette; trying to beat the system but stuck within a fucking figure eight.

Monday, July 14, 2008

You cant always get what you want

My dad says that all the time, it drives me crazy, but it acutally has relevance to me now.

I have stress issues that need some serious sorting out. My head is throbing so hard it feels like two rocks colliding, my guts are turning so tight that I could vomit out a storm.

It sucks, you know?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

It goes like this...

I am so exhausted that my brain feels like it is shrinking due to lack of everything but that being absolutely nothing. I am so cold that when something touches my hands it feels like pins being pushed through them.

Well, thank fuck it is school holidays and I have two weeks to thrash and abuse my body and take time to recover. I just recieved my mid-term report and I am totally surprised about all the nice things my teachers said, despite the fact I havent showed up to a third of my classes. So far this year, in level three, I have passed all assessments that we have done in class, which means I have twenty credits down in my books.

The last week of my school term was spent on my design assignment, working until the early hours of the morning. I havent had a decent sleep for such a long time, so much so, I feel as though my neck is going to rock my head around and my eyes will spiral as I collapse to the floor at any minute.

Tuesday night was Stage Challeneg and I got roped in to doing hair and make up. The night had some good times, but mostly horrifying. There was far too much school spirit in the TSB Bank Arena for me to deal with. With a 7am start and finishing at midnight after being locked in from 6pm onwards I wanted to kill myself. Making twenty two people look like crayons made me want to kill myself. Not being able to smoke, stand on chairs, talk smack on other school, bring food in to the actual stage area made me want to kill myself. There is no way, in fucking hell I would ever take part in Stage Challenge ever again - good thing I am seventh form this year!

Last night was Jess' 21st party at MVP and we started early at 8pm. I had a great time with friends and there were moustaches and cup cakes everywhere! Olwyn and I ended up getting a fair bit drunk and I spent the last of my money at the bar, so dont exepect to see me for a while. Jess looked absolutly stunning in a gorgeous party dress that she made herself, aswell as some killer pastel gold leggings. Total fucking babe!

At some point during the night a bunch of us left the venue and wondered town to make our way to Mt. Vic. We eneded up at some crazy ass party where people were all dressed up space/furturistic-like. There was shiny stuff everywhere that it was crazy mystical. I just remember having a billboard time.

Ben, Joellene and I dropped Olwyn off to a taxi, sat in Midnight at 2am before dropping me off to the Torrens flat. At the flat there were two guys passed out and Josh wasnt home so it was kind of awkward but I was dead.
I made the bed, got ready to sleep and then an hour late Josh came home and I had killed broken sleep.

I was up a few hours later, at 8am to get ready for work, head out in to the freezing cold, when it begun to snow and knowing that Josh got to stay in bed (until 3pm - bastard!)

When work finished at five, after I died again, Olwyn, Zoe and I quickly checked out this months Mighty Mighty Markets before I could handel anymore and needed to go back to the flat, pick up my gear and come home.

So here I am, at home, too tired to even care what I am posting this time around. It is now 8pm, 12 hours after Jess' 21st begun and I think I am going to put on my electric blanket, fall in to bed, read magazine and sleep, before I actually do die.

My room needs a clean...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

I am such a dick

I havent been blogging as frequent this month. It isnt because I dont have anything to say or I have been to busy, because even though that seems like the case, it most certainly isnt. It is because, it just is because.

Expect plenty more next month as the 37th Wellington Film Festival begins July 18th and just like the Cinema Showcase Films that occurred in March/April I will most likely be reviewing films and telling you all to get your bums alongs.

For the mean time, above are photographs from Friday night. Nothing special happened, just that.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Eat You Alive

Ben & Khounthear
Josh & Me
Ben, Hannah & Me
Me & Zoe
Last night I attended the Neon Sleep lauch party at Good As Gold for the 2008 winter collection. This time around Welfe has created some vicious looking masterpieces which are totally sweet. The colours are darker, chains are involved, the bloody photographs are delicious and even though there are no badges and the collection is walking a different track, it all still holds the Neon Sleep signature impacting look.

Waltz in to Good As Gold and discover their new treasure chest fill of Meadowlark, Elke Kramer, Chronicles of Never and not only Neon Sleeps brand whipping new collections but Dan Nagels good shit too!

I dare you.

After the launch party Zoe and I headed up to the Torrens Tce flat to get drunk with Hannah and the boys. The night ended up being one big polaroid gang bang. I had a great time and Zoe is a good bitch to party with! Plenty more times like it ahead.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I hate the sober life

Are you fucking kidding me? It is Saturday night and I am at home, infront of this screen, listening to rain, wanting to be boozed up or tripping on something, anything! I am bored out of freaking mind and there is only so much research I can on Leonardo da Vinci before my fist starts punching my head.

Yes, I have prioritised my life by putting my school assignments first. It seems like a stupid idea but we all need it now and then, especially when you are in my horrid position of being threatened to be kicked out of school for lack of attendance.

On Monday I have three artist model writes ups to do on Leonardo da Vinci, Duane Michals and Robert Mapplethorpe, plus a time line on portraiture for photography. On Tuesday my group in film & television has a documentary concept due. Friday is the dead line for my english research assignment, which is utter peanut butter and then on top of what seems like a small bit to do (but it isnt) I have to catch up on my design typeface and logo applications and not only complete my journalism photoshoot layout but also begin interviewing a shit load of people for my feature article.

Ha, amusing. When I look at what I need to do, it is actually pathetic, but I need to be put under extreme pressure to get it done. I just wish that pressure would kick in now so that I am not at near tears when it comes to late next week.

It is going to be alright though, because I know I will eventually end up getting it all done and pass well. Pulling a merit out of the air is something I can do naturally, for excellence I may have to work a little harder, but at this stage you just prepare yourself for achieve.

I can do it world, I'd just rather be out with friends right now...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Oh look it is June

I cannot fucking save money, I am truely hopeless. At this rate I will never be able to afford flights out of here. I guess I am going to have to give up on a few luxuries but that isnt a bad thing. My wardrobe is becoming too packed for my liking that I am prepared to do a big yard sale at some stage. Finally I can stick to all my essentials and make some coin off things I never needed, wore or want yet other people, love, want and can afford.

I also cant catch up on all the work at school I am behind in. For now it is pretty amazing that I barely care, but I know when dead lines become real I will freak out.

I enjoyed my Queen's Birthday weekend.

P.S Check out my deviantART for the finals of my latest fashion shoot "HAIR CVT"

Monday, May 26, 2008

"This is the third best time of my life"

Olwyn said it and it was.

So here is to Saturday the 24th of May which was the night of our new drug related experience. Scale played a big part for me, I couldnt quite wrap my head around the size of things. Everything I considered to be normal, was tiny and everything I considered to be big, was enormous... Until I actually picked the objects up and touched them (/tired to fit in to them), my sight totally fooled my mind.

I want to see the photos that documented that particular night, I believe that they will sum everything up perfectly.

My friends totally rock, you guys are the best!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


I wrote the following on a page of Moleskine notebook paper, folded it up and wedged it between the window and seat on a bus. I dont know why.

I want to know what goes on in everyone's heads, in everyone's lives.
And only then may I walk in silence, in to oblivion and rest in peace.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Forget you assignments and spend your pay

I bought a Nathan Smith top today, which can be worn multiple ways from Good As Gold, because I guess that is where all the cool kids go. Good As Gold will always be the place to go, even though people bitch and moan about it becoming to common in Wellington, well duh, what do you expect? It is one of the few botique stores in Wellington that have dece stuff. Plus that is where all you losers bought your fluro from last year, so of course every sheep knows about it. I like it because I always get the best stuff from there.

Olwyn and I had a successful shopping day. One of those last minute lets-go-to-town days and spend money. It was great. We went to Fidel's. It was great.

Fuck it, I'm going to bed, the screen is making my head ache worse and I can't focus on writing a blog on how seeing old friends and familar faces in town is fucking awesome, especially when they give you free hot chocolate stuff.

Yeah, that happened to.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Mr Dangerous

I have a pretty sweet runway show struting through my head to Mr Dangerous by The Coshercot Honeys.

I have been checking out this Fashion TV on Sky and a lot of it is absolute fucking crap. Each clip is like fifteen minutes and the stupid break up advertisements about Fashion TV, for Fashion TV, on Fashion TV have this disgustingly, horrible, breathy and kitsch voice over. What is up with that diamond logo too? All sparkling and a mix of puke stained colours. Fashion TV is pretty shit, so you have to check it out and see what I mean. Every now and then something good will pop up, but that is every now and then... really!

This is not saying that I think TCH are shit, because they're not. The runway in my head to Mr Dangerous kicks Fashion TV's ass.

Hey, can I get a Mr Dangerous?

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I just got my first pay from my first week of work, at my first job. I worked seventeen and a half hours and if you know how much I am getting paid, then you do the math, because I am not telling.

My work hours are changing as of next week. I will still be working Tuesday's and Thursday's 3:45pm to 6:30pm, but no more Friday's! Also, instead of working Sunday's, I will now be working Saturday's 9am to 5pm which is a sweet deal for me. Three days a week, instead of four, but that works a lot better for me.

On Tuesday and Wednesday next week my hair models are getting their free hair cut, dye job and styling. It is so awesome to finally have things piecing together and I know it is going to be a crazy two days so I have drawn up a little plan that will probably rip apart those pieces, but end up working out anyway.

Today I was asked to do hair and make up for our schools Stage Challenge so I am taking on that job with a small group of girls. I get a t-shirt!

It is all pretty exciting, even if you dont think so. I get some weird kicks out of things.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Torrens Tornado

The Torrens Tce party on Saturday night was well choice. Olly and I went to (I'm going to start calling it 'the Brooklyn flat') the Brooklyn flat before hand and I decided just to stick to my bottle of wine for the night as I had work Sunday morning. But plans change and I like smoking pot, especially Ben's pot. It always gets me completely ripped.

At some point during the night we walked to the Torrens Tce party and quite a few people were there, all squeezed in to the tiny two story flat, with extras lingering outside in the corridor. I had a great night, although I missed Ben, Edward, Dan and Olly leaving and discovered only Joellene and I were left.

There were people at the party who I thought I would never see at the same place as me, but it was cool to have a catch up - if that is what we did. There were also those who you know you know but never really talk to and it was great to have a chance to actually speak, real, human, english, words (even if it wasnt sense) with them.

I never intended on getting as intoxicated as I did, but I dont usually get like that. It was interesting going to work at 9:30 on Sunday and working the whole morning mainly by myself. Thank fuck we close at 4pm on Sundays and I got to see my mum on Mother's day which was totally sweet.

Back to the school week and I have decided I totally hate pretentious hair salons. I mean, fuck off your hight horse, you cut hair for a living!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Punk Is Dead... Long Live The Tabloids

(Journalism opinion piece)

Hi my name is Nicolette. I like the Sex Pistols, Joys Division and keeping up with Hollywood gossip.

How is it that I can listen to punk music but still manage to religiously thrash through the tabloids? Well, if you think about it, the A-List iconic humans on this crazy planet are actually running riots of their own.

Kate Moss crosses the line by snorting a crisp, white, cocaine line. Britney Spears has lost her husband and kids, blonde locks and cute frocks; this 90's pop icon has lost the plot. Owen Wilson is our modern day successful suicide attempt. Amy Winehouse, is well, Amy Winehouse, on crack, with tatts, bad hair, bad odour, bad manners and all - but what a voice!

It seems like such a contradiction to hold an interest in the punk movement but still steal mum's Women's Weekly magazines. It seems like such a joke being able to recognise similarities between today's A-List actors, pop stars and models to the previous Sex Pistols. It seem so fake to take an interest in who shoots up before going on the runway and in he who has it all but thinks life isn't worth living.

Yet I find it funny how people, like myself, are turning to such a mainstream source of information to get our weekly doseage of these A-List riots, just so that we can sub-conciously believe that anarchy and punk still goes on. But because the original punk movement phased out after its creators vanished from the scene, true punk is dead, so, long live the tabloids.

I assume that these modern day riots are so attractive to New Zealander's because our celebrities are a pathetic excuse compared to those on the other side of the world. The men like sport and the girls are so ridiculously cliche it is boring.

The best you would read about is how Nicky Watson threw her cocktail on her airhead of a boyfriend after he pays more attention to the All Blacks losing the world cup than to her new boob job.

Face it New Zealand, if our celebrities were to be put in to a list they'd be in N-Lister's (Nobody cares-Lister's/Nicolette isn't interested-Lister's) and that is the fourteenth letter in the alphabet. We don't exactly have rebels running around without a cause and thrusting their pelvises toward rehabilitation centres and insane asylums.

Maybe some of you like it that we're in such a wholesome community and call me biased for working in a magazine store, but when you want "Anarchy In The U.K" - I mean N.Z, you most certainly will find all the punk/tabloids you need in a gluey-paged gossip magazine!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Stuff you don't need to know

It's my blog, so I can and will write whatever the fuck I want.

Back at school, the second term of my final year. I got merit on my first photography internal which I am stoked about seeming as I did it all in two days. I will re-photograph my prints and upload them to deviantART this week. I also got merit on my design internal, which I will settle with.

I got my Shakuhachi boots and Claude Maus leather jacket yesterday so I am all warm and happy. Good As Gold are probably fucking happy too!

I did my photoshoot with Sam Conaglen today. I had to act all doll figure like. I can't wait to see the final product. The shoot made me realise that I will never ever make a good model, because I am usually the one behind the camera and I am a perfectionist.

I decided that at work I really don't like it when my manager watches me like a hawk. If you are in Wellington come in to Magnetix and buy a magzine. This month I reccomend Real Groove, it comes with a free CD featuring some hot New Zealand bands including Bang! Bang! Eche!, Mean Street, Princess Chelsea, Moron Say What!?!?, Holiday With Friends and a whole heap more.

In Wellington for the next five days there is a big designer sale on where that shitty store NZ Girl use to be. Designers include Mala, Fabric, Little Brother and plenty more. It is worth checking out, you might find something you like. I didnt, well did, but nothing I could justify buying.

What's going on this weekend? A flat warming/house party/gig at Tim & Co's. flat. Get yourself invited and find out the address. This City Sunrise will be playing. This should be interesting, because their flat isnt exactly alone.

Coming up is the ALC HQ party. Get yourself an invite, if you can. Get drunk, be punk, snap skateboards, a dumb tattoo and have heaps of fun. Should be wild.

Friday, May 2, 2008

New With Goo

It is a Friday night in May and I am at home... I have a bit of a cough and when I do cough my abdominals strain, hurt and burn, before attacking my chest.

I made a deviantART account for those who want to keep up to spend with some of my work (it is under my links and on my MySpace page). I think it sucks, but I have recieved comments from people around the world who seem to like some of it. That site is a real ego booster, haha!

I got my first part time job working at Magnetix where I sell magazines. It is a pretty choice job for someone who wants to be a "future journalist" and so far, so good. I realised I am pretty lucky because if I was so desperate, I could be working at McDonalds or Hannahs. Me and grease - dont go, me and feet - no, no!

Come buy some magazines! I work three days during the week after school, but your best bet is to catch me on a Sunday.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Look Like Ass

April 25th 2008
Sweet party on Allenby Terrace with bands that I didn't know, choice. The place was packed out it was incredible and absolutely everyone was drinking and drinking and/or on drugs from, E to LSD, ABC, DEFG, HIJK, LMNOP, QRS, TUV, WX, Y & Z. I learnt that everyone loves life and chain smokes.

I was in my first polaroid photograph that I'll probably never see again and the few photos that I took of the night are up on my MySpace. We all look like ass, but had fuckin' top night at Allenby Terrace.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Nico Knew Noise

Year 9999 and after that, 10000. In the future how will we say that? The year ten thousand? Does it just seem weird to me? In the future how will we say that?

We won't, Nico. You won't be here, the world probably won't even be here. What about an after life then, for the world? Some humans insist we have an after life, so why shouldn't the world have one. Isn't it in our nature to pick up the pieces? I'm sure the others could do that for us, carry on our legacy. But what if there aren't any others, Nico? There will be though. There will be some ridiculous invention to perserve a number of trained persons to re-create the world and way of society.

You won't even be here, Nico. You'll be dead. Whether it is your partner or children who have you burried, that is where you will spend you're dead of life.
Oh fuck, shit, I can't believe that is going to happen to me. I'll just be laying there in a coffin, being eaten by whatever dirty creatures are next to me. Are they putting me in the ground because I am closer to a 'Hell' that way? Well, it seems it if they expect me to just lay there without being able to move or talk, stuck inside my own head, arguing with myself, blaming multiple ulta egos over whose fault it was that I am here, mentally watching myself and unable to stop myself from being eaten by dirty, dirty creatures.

Fuck. Fuck.

People with over creative imaginations shouldn't die, they don't stop thinking and moulding things. It's torture living with one in the world today. It is like, imgaination is the bitter gray and steel cold bars which are holding back my sanity. I thought creativity was mean't to be beautiful, it sounds beautiful, it sounds posh and English. Too bad it is insane!

Religion, religion, religion.
No fuck off, we're not going there, it is a touchy subject I know nothing about but feel as though I should. Religion, this is why people find God. Not it's not. Yes, listen. It is so that they can have faith in the Lord that they will provide them with an after life after death. Shut up, you're offending people, they're going to attack you after this, is it even Christian or whatever to believe in an after life? I don't know. Well then stop talking about religion, it's going to be the war to end this world. You don't know that, you don't know that. I bet it. I think you should find God. Fuck off, I said it is a touchy subject, I don't want to play with you anymore.

Have you ever watched a digital clock, waited for the seconds to change and noticed that it has taken a really long time?
Yes. Longer than usual? Yes, yes, why? You were watching the minutes. Am I insane? You wasted sixty seconds of life waiting for one second to change, you're sick. Convincing, but I am not sick.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ode to April 19th 2008

It is fuckin' freezing, but that won't make me cancel my night.

I love bad weather, wrapping up warm, striding through puddles, boots, hats, scarves and gloves. It is the weather for leather and whinging about the cold with friends (even though you secretly love it). Catching up with old friends, spending time with new friends, meeting new potential friends and taking a deep breath and seeing how long you can blow steam for. Having wind swept hair and rosey cheeks and nose, sipping on flat whites, hot chocolates, whatever you prefer and smoking until lose a lung or both.

It is the weather of heartbreak, sorry darling, I'm having an affair with this cool crisp air.

Last night I went to a show in town including Julia Parr, New Friend, The Lunchbox Boys, Elstun Gun and more. I dibbed myself in for being on photo duty and got a whole bunch of sweet snaps, which you can find on my MySpace. Everything was halerious, especially when Immy and I were waiting to use the bathroom, which was never engaged...

April 19th night life totally fufilled my little written piece of the day, but where do you think the name 'lunchbox' really came from?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Blow Kisses/Job/Cocaine

01 Blow Kisses Blaine/Sweet Bird Of Youth
02 Blow Job Hannah/Stage
03 Blow Cocaine Robyn/Crystal Chain

Photography and design assignments made their dead lines and I am fucking exhausted. My photography is currently on display in the art block foyer and I have got a whole bunch of positive feedback from a range of students. Above are the final three post cards which I created for my design assignment for a popular culture magazine, Blow. The photograph is just of spare copies I had, then cut up and joined them up. The originals are on special paper and stuck in my book with a thin white frame and small gap between each post card, so that they join together but without actually touching - it looks so much better.

Two weeks of well deserved holiday!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Update

I'm avoiding MySpace, but BlogSpot is okay.

This is my last week of term one and I have a thirty four page photography assignment due Thursday and huge design assignment due Friday. I would be sweet, but school has introduced a new stupid addition to the art subjects. If we want merit or excellence we have to do an additional four hundred word essay on our applications and their relationships. I am working like crazy and am living in the art department - avoiding all classes except for photography and design. It's intense.

I have a Claude Maus leather jacket and Shakuhachi studded boots on a two month layby which mum surprised me with. We're paying it off together so this should be interesting. I can't wait to get my new items and I just paid off and got my Lonely Hearts dress. Fuck, I hate material.

Plans for a Dunedin trip are still in the making. My cousin is already booked to head down there July 18th-21st and asked if I wanted to go with him. I am keen to go, especially because I was looking at those particular dates myself. I am saving for the trip, but we'll see what happens.

I have a possible job lined up, it's all going down this week. It seems promising, I hope it is!

Also I am modelling for a Massey photographer next Tuesday which should be pretty cool. I'm a little nervous because I don't want to be a stink model. Hopefully I do well and hopefully I am able to get some copies of the photographs at some stage.

I am looking forward to Friday night with the new gang consisting of Olly, Immy, Zoe and myself and then Saturday night outing with Immy and Zoe. Olwyn leaves for Melbourne that day and I'm extremely excited for her because I know she'll have the best time and our plans to move there next year will just be ruling her mind.

Monash University (in Melbourne) sent me a package of course information etc. so I have some bed time reading and sweet dreaming. Also my brother may be moving to Melbourne next month - it's looking quite serious.

Well, I'm totally busy so I am off back to work, work, work! I am eighteen in something like 156 days or whatever - whose counting? I always forget!

And that is the update!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Nathan Likes Metallica

Who doesnt know Nathan?

Nathan is one of Wellington's most popular people and everywhere he walks he pulls the rock on hand sign to everyone. He lives in Newtown but will walk to Island Bay to hire out movies (he always has late fees!) and do the grocey shopping. If you are smoking a cigarette Nathan will walk up to you and ask for one, then in front of your face put it in his packet of his own remaining six cigarettes. Nathan is a walking gig guide (mostly punk and metal shows) and likes to find groups of people and give them each a flyer for up coming gigs. He has a job, a cellphone, likes punk, metal and attends Big Day Out every year and has many catch phrases such as 'why?' 'wassup' 'whats you're name?' etc. Nathan also believes he should get on the bus for free and today was no different.

Nathan: Hello, Hi mum, I'm just going to work now, I wont let you down mum, so you can buy me a top up card for my phone

Basically, that was one entertaining bus ride home.

Monday, April 7, 2008

I was doing really well

My savings account was looking so good for a while. I could have taken a weekend holiday somewhere else in New Zealand, but I went shopping and spent a lot of it in Wellington.

Well, I need clothes, guitars need strings, shoes shouldnt talk and if you want to pass art design, you need art supplies! Everything is so expensive.

I want to go to the Homegrown concert and tickets are $75. Isn't it sad that I cant even afford that right now?

Back to saving for entertainment and weekend getaways.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Stolen Cellphones Club

I had my phone stolen on Tuesday and a lot of drama came with it because the day after I went in to Telecom to put a bar on the phone to stop the person from using it, they somehow talked Telecom in to taking that bar off without even knowing the password I put on it.

I now have a new phone, with the same number but I cant get back all my contacts. Telecom put another bar on my old phone to stop the person using it and only Telecom and I know the password - so basically that means the old stolen phone is fucked and if the person wants it to work they have to go in to Telecom, where they will discover that it is a stolen phone.

What would be really great if everyone could please send a text to my phone with just their name so that I can re-add you in to my address book.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Black White + Gray: A Portrait Of Sam Wagstaff And Robert Mapplethorpe

Robert Mapplethorpe is one of my more influential artists and this year for my photography folio I am studying his work. Seeing Black White + Gray was a great oppitunity to learn more about Mapplethorpe and his relationship with Sam Wagstaff through Sam's story.

Black White + Gray is a documentary which explores the life of Sam Wagstaff throughout his career and days of being a collector.

It was interesting to learn that Mapplethorpe's career might have never happened if it weren't for Wagstaff and that Wagstaff may have never of came out of the closet if it weren't for Mapplethorpe. The pair were meant to find each other and push the boundries of photography.

Wagstaff and Mapplethorpe we're very good friends with Patti Smith and together they made an obscure and talented threesome, despite the age differences.

The documentary is short, just seventy seven mintues long and throughout it I couldn't help but to be lead astray in to the ideas that I could incorporate in to my own work. Very influential.

Wellington - Paramovnt
No more screenings

Auckland - Academy Cinemas
Monday 14 April, 1645
Wednesday 16 April, 1815

Christchurch - Rialto Cinemas
Saturday 19 April, 1145
Monday 21 April, 1830

Dunedin - Regent Theatre
Saturday 26 April, 1130
Monday 28 April, 1345

Monday, March 31, 2008

Joy Division

Control was Anton Corbjin's masterpiece on the life of Ian Curtis. It is a film which sits so smug with me but in such an ice chilling way - I like that feeling, so I always keep it close. Control is number one in the list of favourite films in my head. So when I heard about Grant Gee's documentary on Joy Division, I didn't know how to feel, so I had to check it out. Now, not far behind Control in list of favourite films that I hold in my head is Grant Gee's doco, Joy Division.

So I may be a little bias here, being a Joy Division and New Order fan, but if I didn't like them, I wouldnt have seen the film and if I did and thought it was utter shit, I would tell you not see it because it could ruin all your Joy Division love. But I am fan and the doco wasnt utter shit, so I'm going to tell you to see it.

Now it is about Joy Division, so Ian Curtis isnt the dominant conversation topic, but you cant go past a Joy Division doco without the discussion of the Ian fucking Curtis suicide in 1980. The three remaining members, Peter Hook, Stephen Morris and Bernard Sumner talk about it so casually and how casually they found out about it and dealt with it. You'd think their souls were really dead, but no, they're not.

Infact what I like about the Joy Division film is how you actually get a chance to get to listen and almost get to know Peter, Stephen and Bernard. I bet if Ian were still around he'd be dominating the interviews and it'd be all Ian fucking Curtis, but then again if Ian were still walking the earth there would be no documentary - but there would be Joy Division, which would mean concerts! But no New Order, but there would be Joy Division... But...

The footage is electric. Live performances, audio interviews, photographs and notebooks, lots of notebooks. There is so much history in this documentary and it would have been incredible to be a part of it, but the film is done so well, that you do actually begin to feel a part of Joy Division history.

Fans, don't be afarid to see Joy Division, be sure to see it!

Wellington - Paramovnt
Wednesday 2 April, 1615

Auckland - Acadmey Cinemas
Thursday 10 April, 1615
Tuesday 15 April, 1615
Tuesday 15 April, 2015
Thursday 17 April, 2030

Christchurch - Rialto Cinemas
Monday 28 April, 2030
Tuesday 29 April, 2015
Wenesday 30 April, 1830

Dunedin - Regent Theatre
Monday 5 May, 2000
Wednesday 7 May, 1600

I'm Not There

Who is Bob Dylan? Well if you don't know then you will have no interest in this little piece about the film I'm Not There, dirceted by Todd Haynes.

Bob Dylan is a master of disguise and in this film Todd Haynes uses six actors to play different characters who portray different aspects of Bob Dylan or what we assume represents him.

Woody "Bob Dylan" (Marcus Carl Franklin) is a black kid who jumps on trains and channels the spirit of Woody Gunthrie - quite charming. Jack "Bob Dylan" (Christian Bale) is a singer adopted by the protest movement whom disappears then re-introduces himself as a born again Christian preacher - rather entertaining. Robbie "Bob Dylan" (Heath Ledger) is a Brando-like figure who eventually becoms famous in a 1965 biopic playing the vanished Jack - a bit of a fucking dick in the best possible way. Jude "Bob Dylan" (Cate Blanchett) is the betrayer of the acoustic folk music ideal - little fucking smartass but the most incredible performance by Cate Blanchett. Billy "Bob Dylan" (Richard Gere) is a 'Billy The Kid' in a western town - interesting selection of actor, but beautiful scenes. Arthur "Bob Dylan" (Ben Whishaw) is a symbolist poet whose purpose is to serve as the films occassional narrator - fantasic!

So what do I think of I'm Not There? Well, I guess I am sitting in-between. It was great film in the sense that is was done very well and pieced together in an interesting way, but I do think it was a little too long. During the film there seemed to be multiple places where you thought it was going to end and would make an electric ending, but the film never really stopped. And to be completly honest, the ending it did have, I cannot remember, but the times I thought it was going to end, I remember very clearly.

One thing I cannot get over is Cate Blanchett's performance, I thought that she played such a convincing character who is one of those smartass interlectuals and who will make you look stupid extremely fricking well. All scenes consisting of the character, Jude, were entertaining, especially when he is rolling around in hysterics with The Beatles. Jude was my favourite character who evoked a different aspect of Bob Dylan.

I wasnt completely settled with Richard Gere playing Billy, but I think that is just because whenever I think of Richard Gere I always think of tap dancing and western sections dont go down to well with me... However I did note his brillant acting and wont fail to recognise that.

Yes, a must film to see to every Bob Dylan fan and even if you arent overly keen on Bob Dylan I think you would also enjoy. Book your tickets and check it out, you'll see some familar faces and have a bit of a laugh. Heath Ledger has been bought back to life, so appreciate the talent that we lost earlier this year, but most of all appreciate Bob Dylan, his many personalities and his music playing through out the film.

Wellington - Paramovnt
Tuesday 1 April, 1530
Tuesday 1 April, 2015

Auckland - Academy Cinemas
Saturday 5 April, 2015
Sunday 6 April, 1530
Monday 7 April, 2030

Christchurch - Rialto Cinemas
Saturday 19 April, 2015
Thursday 24 April, 2000

Dunedin - Regent Theatre

Tuesday 29 April, 2015
Thursday 1 May, 1530