Sunday, August 31, 2008


I was on a nine o'clock bus with a triple shot flat white this morning. My bus driver decides to be a wanker and makes it difficult for me to pull out ID to prove that I should still get a cheap fare. Then instead of going through to Island Bay he gets caught up in a daze and takes the bus to Newtown.

Last nights Summer party was choice - would chat about it but am currently in a grossed out state of mind, even though I am still buzzing on good vibes with a headache and guts that need throwing up.

The best way to eat ice cream is with a friend who wears a fluffy brown hat. It is basically the only way to eat ice cream.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

All at a fast pace

If you tilt your head lightly against the window of a viabrating bus, it feels like the way your eyes shift when you are on ecstasy.

Seeing life with your veil pulled off is creepily comforting. It is an unusal and rare feeling that I try to grasp and hold on to for as long as I can, almost like deja vu. However when I am looking through the veil I dont feel as though the world is staring at me. In a sense it holds its own comfort and conformity - I dont want to like it, but I do.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Quite possibly already this months most used catch phrase from a movie trailer of a film that I havent even seen yet.

Friday night, the eighth of August 2008 and I say fuck you to the Olymics. 08/08/08 was the celebration of Mark and Josh's twenty first birthday. Three bands played and once again flat thirteen was over flowing with sexy faces.

I speak in maths. I spoke in sentences that are paragraphs long...

Another new drug related experience for me and it has been the best so far. Words were thrown around and money was thrown out. The amount of cash that went towards alcohol and drugs was the best idea that everyone had.

"Memories are the best! There are times from that night that I cant stop playing over, they are the times that I can only remember so I asume they are the best times, the ones that will probably always stick with me. Everytime I look at the photo of me and Josh I get the best feeling and the best trigger of amazing thoughts. I am so happy! I am so happy with him! Ahhh I'm such a girl... Friday night I was totally in the present, I forgot what the future and past was. I was living in the moment, for the moment and it was quite possibly the most surreal feeling I have felt, because it is so rare with me and I am still trying to hold on to it..."

Saturday night was Olwyn's nineteenth and a fantastic time to mellow out with friends was watching episodes of The Mighty Boosh, playing pool hopelessly and eating greasy, delicious food. We did a Sunday brunch at Sweet Mother's Kitchen the next day and keeping it small was a pleasure.

What I am not going to do

I will not be adding images to my blog on the film Teeth and I will also not be writing a blog about the film Patti Smith: Dream of Life.