Thursday, October 30, 2008

Two things that I am looking forward to in the future

Where does Karen Walker get her ideas? Well do your research and you will discover that German jewellery designer Thomas Sabo has played some subliminal part. Finally Wellington is going to be presented with original, outrageous, sterling silver pieces and I am disgustingly excited. For someone who doesnt wear a lot of jewellery, I am already picking and choosing dangerously darling pieces out of the collection, "Rebel At Heart". Wellington people in-the-know will only be able to purchase Thomas Sabo at Hanne Anderson. The collection will be in stores within the next few months, so keep an eye out and I can pin point a date when I get the get go!

James Franco shares tongues with Gus Van Sant and Raf Simmons spits lips with Kanye West. No, this isnt some absurb meet and greet at destination dream land, it is reality! The latest issue of Interview magazine "The Courage Issue" slid down a rainbow and in to stores today and my disorted, romantically, sick fantasies have all come true. Interview magazine is published in New York and twindles its way down to New Zealand for only $9.90 - suppose like every magazine it has it's advertising (more advertising, less substance, less dollars = you're a dumbass) but, Interview has got the most healthy balance with a steady price tag that I have came across during my working days at Magnetix. Future issues of this magazine are promising!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Self centered bitch

Talking about yourself and typing out weekend events and memories can be embarrassing. People do seems to get the idea that you are an attention seeking slave, but really, how else am I to remember all the good things that occur during my youth.

If you do read my blog regularly, stumble across it by pure chance or even just decide to jump in to my pretentious world and skim read previous entries, you will probably discover a whole new or multiple different sides to me, you wouldnt be presneted with when you get me in person. You may even find out aspects of me that I dont even know exsist and I hope that my few paragraphs make you judge and form an opinion on me, I dont know why I hope that, but I just do.

Blogging gives me a chance to think. Write to Think, Scribo ut cogitem.

Well, I cant exactly review anything with a critical view because I havent actually attended any events with that state of mind, although I will add that if you are reviewing something, anything, give your fucking opinion, be critical. Infact my journalism review piece is on people who claim to review events or whatever but actually just inform or state the fucking obvious. I could end up contradicting myself, but I will be very clever.

Events I have attended recently for the sake of having a good time have include The DHDFD's at Mighty Mighty, This City Sunrise's last New Zealand show at Good Luck before moving to Melbourne and a gig at Valve that Dehumanize (my boyfriend Josh) put on consisting of Cult of the Cobra, In Cahoots and I cant remember who else...

There is so much more coming up in the next few weeks, especially with Halloween hiding in the shadows around the corner, but 2009 is going to be incredible.

The Big Day Out first announcement has been made, but I am hanging out for the second one, even though I know I will be going and road tripping. The Teenagers are heading over in January aswell and so are Fleet Foxes. I dont know who Fleet Foxes are, if thats how you spell it, or whatever but am told I have to go because it is for my friend Ben's birthday and it will be a big love fest or something. It sounds good. I am hanging out for Morrissey who is also coming at the beginning of 2009 and it is said he also does play some songs by The Smiths so that should be amazing. And of course I already have my ticket for the final Camp A Low Hum in February.

I am stoked that I can do this all without having to worry about going back to school or not being able to get my hands on forms of intoxication.

Next year I plan to be attending Massey University in Wellington. I will be doing a Bachelor of Design in Photographic Deign. Monash Univeristy in Melbourne went down the drain, but I am still holding on to the idea. Future plans include two years at Massey, one year at Monash in Melbourne and then my final year with Monash University but either finishing off my degree in France, Italy or England.

Well I dont know what else to say really... Stay posted and nosey, I guess.