Thursday, November 27, 2008

I was due for a photo

I am thinking about what to write. I could share with you my weekend experience in the horrors of Auckland and brag about what I bought and what adventures occurred, but I wont, because in reality, there is nothing interesting about Auckland whatsoever.

I feel like writing more reviews, but on books, music etc. etc. Like real reviews with real substance, but I dont think that this blog is suited for that sort of information all the time.

So I really have nothing to say, I am mainly just asking questions in my head, talking and arguing in my head as apose to on here. Sorry, but this means that you miss out on all the english spinning around inside my head.

Above are some bad quality shots of my mug for you to indulge in.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Too much effort

I am frequently having those days when I just cannot be bothered. Sometimes I wish as though I had dropped out of school at sixteen, worked some lame ass job until I had just enough money to flat or travel where ever around the world, whenever. I just want to be a drifter.

I've completed high school and now I am working the same part time job for over seven months, that is still paying me the same low dollar, which I cant even save on and I am sitting at home studying just so I can pass two pathetic exams which will lead me in to university for next year. My life is feeling so damn planned right now - I mean fuck, I'm checking my e-mail everyday to see whether I've been accepted in to Massey.

So what if I pass my exams, finish university and begin a life of what I always intended, where is my spontaneity? I look up to people who just do nothing, but make a life out of something, living like however by doing whatever - how free spirited! I just wish I had the balls to have done something like that.

It's not too late to start though, I'm not old or anything, I just think I'm being a bit gutless living at home. If I were just an independant lone ranger I could be so much more interesting and lead a more experienced life.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

School is out

It was the hottest day today, like so deathly hot I couldnt handle it and am still over heating in nothing at the moment.

So it was my last day of school today and my gosh the day would not end! At leavers assembly people were singing, rapping and yapping away while tears leaked and balloons popped. It was mildly painful to sit there for two hours. I guess one thing I regret at my two years at WHS is that I didnt make many friends - I dont think I was hated, although I am sure some people there do strongly dislike me, it is just I didnt make the kind of friends who you spend your lunch times and weekends with and sometimes that can be awkward and embarrassing when it comes to those situations of needing at least one person to stick to.

I am currently in an odd state of mind and it isnt just finishing school. Getting broken text messages at of the blue really screw with my head because I am such an analyzer - I almost always end up convincing myself it is the worst case scenerio and get in a really shitty mood.

I just need to be in an atmosphere where everything doesnt feel so complicated and communication isnt a barrier.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Not another Saturday night

Saturday keeps replying in my head. Zoe popped in to work with my paid off Holga and then after work Edward, Dan, Josh, Olwyn and I went to vote - that thrill lasted two minutes... two ticks! I caught on to the lamest and somewhat most surreal feeling - realising that I have human rights.

That night I went to Mighty Mighty with the usual crowd of Megan, Khounthear, Olwyn, Ben, Joellene and plus and minus a few faces. The Tutts were playing and I was in my boozed up wonderland. Eventually I lost the majority of people I knew that night but ended up being introduced to a bunch of new [who-seem-sweet] people thanks to Angus. There was a lot of dancing... swing dancing? I assume that is how I ripped my brand new Alice McCall skirt... and there were camera flashes everywhere, as I experimented with my first Holga film.

Conversations from that night still make me blush and episodes from that night I still dont recall. The last thing I remember was sitting around in my tights and Josh's shirt, eating the best home made chips that Timmy made before crashing out in mid-morning hours at the Torrens flat.

It seems like just another Saturday night but I am still smiling and running on a really good buzz, so I must have had a really special time!

As for school I have completed all full days at school. This week is all messed up half days with Wednesday being our final day and farewell. I handed in my photography and design portfolios on Thursday evening at six thirty and now all I have to do is sit an exam on the 19th and one of the 20th, before heading to Auckland for the weekend - which I'll admint, will probably be the biggest waste of time and money! But whatever...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


To all those who still have years of high school ahead of them, my advice to you is not to take more than one art subject unless you are seriously dedicated.

Tomorrow I have two portfolios due, photography and design. For the past couple of weeks I have been sleep deprived, gone from having no appetite to binge eating on anything, lost sight of my social life, taken extra days off work (no money!) and I cannot find where I put my mind.

It turely is the 11th hour and I still have five photography college compositions to string up aswell as four to eight double page spreads for design. I have been one of the many students who have made sacrafices to get their work done and I am still not finished.

I am absolutely amazed at how some students at my school are managing three porfolios. This is the most stressful time of year and my heart has never raced so much as well as skipped so many beats. I cannot strain how much of a bad idea it is taking more the one art subject, you truely have to stay focused, up to speed, check in with teachers regularly, have the most outstanding attendance and dedication if you want to pass without going fucking crazy.

I am going fucking crazy...

On the bright side, once they are done, they're done. This Friday is a teacher only day so I can chill out and have a long weekend before hitting the books to study for my two exams, which are in two weeks. After November 20th I have completed high school and (fingers crossed) passed level 3 (or atleast got UE).

Monday, November 3, 2008

Three line paragraphs are pointless, as is this blog

Oh dear, try having a fantastic photography teacher who you dont want to hate, but who happens changes the whole direction of your portfolio with five days until the deadline.

I now have three days until my portfolios are due. My photography one is now seriously lacking as I have had to start from scratch. This is so painful for me and all my previous work just doesnt feel appreciated.

As for design I am going quite well with only half a board to go until I have completed all three, but then of course there is the whole sticking down process which is an utter time muncher.

I may end up turning down photography scholarship... Oh well, atleast they saw I had potentional, I just wish I chose an easier topic and planned ahead.