Monday, May 26, 2008

"This is the third best time of my life"

Olwyn said it and it was.

So here is to Saturday the 24th of May which was the night of our new drug related experience. Scale played a big part for me, I couldnt quite wrap my head around the size of things. Everything I considered to be normal, was tiny and everything I considered to be big, was enormous... Until I actually picked the objects up and touched them (/tired to fit in to them), my sight totally fooled my mind.

I want to see the photos that documented that particular night, I believe that they will sum everything up perfectly.

My friends totally rock, you guys are the best!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


I wrote the following on a page of Moleskine notebook paper, folded it up and wedged it between the window and seat on a bus. I dont know why.

I want to know what goes on in everyone's heads, in everyone's lives.
And only then may I walk in silence, in to oblivion and rest in peace.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Forget you assignments and spend your pay

I bought a Nathan Smith top today, which can be worn multiple ways from Good As Gold, because I guess that is where all the cool kids go. Good As Gold will always be the place to go, even though people bitch and moan about it becoming to common in Wellington, well duh, what do you expect? It is one of the few botique stores in Wellington that have dece stuff. Plus that is where all you losers bought your fluro from last year, so of course every sheep knows about it. I like it because I always get the best stuff from there.

Olwyn and I had a successful shopping day. One of those last minute lets-go-to-town days and spend money. It was great. We went to Fidel's. It was great.

Fuck it, I'm going to bed, the screen is making my head ache worse and I can't focus on writing a blog on how seeing old friends and familar faces in town is fucking awesome, especially when they give you free hot chocolate stuff.

Yeah, that happened to.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Mr Dangerous

I have a pretty sweet runway show struting through my head to Mr Dangerous by The Coshercot Honeys.

I have been checking out this Fashion TV on Sky and a lot of it is absolute fucking crap. Each clip is like fifteen minutes and the stupid break up advertisements about Fashion TV, for Fashion TV, on Fashion TV have this disgustingly, horrible, breathy and kitsch voice over. What is up with that diamond logo too? All sparkling and a mix of puke stained colours. Fashion TV is pretty shit, so you have to check it out and see what I mean. Every now and then something good will pop up, but that is every now and then... really!

This is not saying that I think TCH are shit, because they're not. The runway in my head to Mr Dangerous kicks Fashion TV's ass.

Hey, can I get a Mr Dangerous?

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I just got my first pay from my first week of work, at my first job. I worked seventeen and a half hours and if you know how much I am getting paid, then you do the math, because I am not telling.

My work hours are changing as of next week. I will still be working Tuesday's and Thursday's 3:45pm to 6:30pm, but no more Friday's! Also, instead of working Sunday's, I will now be working Saturday's 9am to 5pm which is a sweet deal for me. Three days a week, instead of four, but that works a lot better for me.

On Tuesday and Wednesday next week my hair models are getting their free hair cut, dye job and styling. It is so awesome to finally have things piecing together and I know it is going to be a crazy two days so I have drawn up a little plan that will probably rip apart those pieces, but end up working out anyway.

Today I was asked to do hair and make up for our schools Stage Challenge so I am taking on that job with a small group of girls. I get a t-shirt!

It is all pretty exciting, even if you dont think so. I get some weird kicks out of things.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Torrens Tornado

The Torrens Tce party on Saturday night was well choice. Olly and I went to (I'm going to start calling it 'the Brooklyn flat') the Brooklyn flat before hand and I decided just to stick to my bottle of wine for the night as I had work Sunday morning. But plans change and I like smoking pot, especially Ben's pot. It always gets me completely ripped.

At some point during the night we walked to the Torrens Tce party and quite a few people were there, all squeezed in to the tiny two story flat, with extras lingering outside in the corridor. I had a great night, although I missed Ben, Edward, Dan and Olly leaving and discovered only Joellene and I were left.

There were people at the party who I thought I would never see at the same place as me, but it was cool to have a catch up - if that is what we did. There were also those who you know you know but never really talk to and it was great to have a chance to actually speak, real, human, english, words (even if it wasnt sense) with them.

I never intended on getting as intoxicated as I did, but I dont usually get like that. It was interesting going to work at 9:30 on Sunday and working the whole morning mainly by myself. Thank fuck we close at 4pm on Sundays and I got to see my mum on Mother's day which was totally sweet.

Back to the school week and I have decided I totally hate pretentious hair salons. I mean, fuck off your hight horse, you cut hair for a living!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Punk Is Dead... Long Live The Tabloids

(Journalism opinion piece)

Hi my name is Nicolette. I like the Sex Pistols, Joys Division and keeping up with Hollywood gossip.

How is it that I can listen to punk music but still manage to religiously thrash through the tabloids? Well, if you think about it, the A-List iconic humans on this crazy planet are actually running riots of their own.

Kate Moss crosses the line by snorting a crisp, white, cocaine line. Britney Spears has lost her husband and kids, blonde locks and cute frocks; this 90's pop icon has lost the plot. Owen Wilson is our modern day successful suicide attempt. Amy Winehouse, is well, Amy Winehouse, on crack, with tatts, bad hair, bad odour, bad manners and all - but what a voice!

It seems like such a contradiction to hold an interest in the punk movement but still steal mum's Women's Weekly magazines. It seems like such a joke being able to recognise similarities between today's A-List actors, pop stars and models to the previous Sex Pistols. It seem so fake to take an interest in who shoots up before going on the runway and in he who has it all but thinks life isn't worth living.

Yet I find it funny how people, like myself, are turning to such a mainstream source of information to get our weekly doseage of these A-List riots, just so that we can sub-conciously believe that anarchy and punk still goes on. But because the original punk movement phased out after its creators vanished from the scene, true punk is dead, so, long live the tabloids.

I assume that these modern day riots are so attractive to New Zealander's because our celebrities are a pathetic excuse compared to those on the other side of the world. The men like sport and the girls are so ridiculously cliche it is boring.

The best you would read about is how Nicky Watson threw her cocktail on her airhead of a boyfriend after he pays more attention to the All Blacks losing the world cup than to her new boob job.

Face it New Zealand, if our celebrities were to be put in to a list they'd be in N-Lister's (Nobody cares-Lister's/Nicolette isn't interested-Lister's) and that is the fourteenth letter in the alphabet. We don't exactly have rebels running around without a cause and thrusting their pelvises toward rehabilitation centres and insane asylums.

Maybe some of you like it that we're in such a wholesome community and call me biased for working in a magazine store, but when you want "Anarchy In The U.K" - I mean N.Z, you most certainly will find all the punk/tabloids you need in a gluey-paged gossip magazine!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Stuff you don't need to know

It's my blog, so I can and will write whatever the fuck I want.

Back at school, the second term of my final year. I got merit on my first photography internal which I am stoked about seeming as I did it all in two days. I will re-photograph my prints and upload them to deviantART this week. I also got merit on my design internal, which I will settle with.

I got my Shakuhachi boots and Claude Maus leather jacket yesterday so I am all warm and happy. Good As Gold are probably fucking happy too!

I did my photoshoot with Sam Conaglen today. I had to act all doll figure like. I can't wait to see the final product. The shoot made me realise that I will never ever make a good model, because I am usually the one behind the camera and I am a perfectionist.

I decided that at work I really don't like it when my manager watches me like a hawk. If you are in Wellington come in to Magnetix and buy a magzine. This month I reccomend Real Groove, it comes with a free CD featuring some hot New Zealand bands including Bang! Bang! Eche!, Mean Street, Princess Chelsea, Moron Say What!?!?, Holiday With Friends and a whole heap more.

In Wellington for the next five days there is a big designer sale on where that shitty store NZ Girl use to be. Designers include Mala, Fabric, Little Brother and plenty more. It is worth checking out, you might find something you like. I didnt, well did, but nothing I could justify buying.

What's going on this weekend? A flat warming/house party/gig at Tim & Co's. flat. Get yourself invited and find out the address. This City Sunrise will be playing. This should be interesting, because their flat isnt exactly alone.

Coming up is the ALC HQ party. Get yourself an invite, if you can. Get drunk, be punk, snap skateboards, a dumb tattoo and have heaps of fun. Should be wild.

Friday, May 2, 2008

New With Goo

It is a Friday night in May and I am at home... I have a bit of a cough and when I do cough my abdominals strain, hurt and burn, before attacking my chest.

I made a deviantART account for those who want to keep up to spend with some of my work (it is under my links and on my MySpace page). I think it sucks, but I have recieved comments from people around the world who seem to like some of it. That site is a real ego booster, haha!

I got my first part time job working at Magnetix where I sell magazines. It is a pretty choice job for someone who wants to be a "future journalist" and so far, so good. I realised I am pretty lucky because if I was so desperate, I could be working at McDonalds or Hannahs. Me and grease - dont go, me and feet - no, no!

Come buy some magazines! I work three days during the week after school, but your best bet is to catch me on a Sunday.