Sunday, February 10, 2008

I am the seventh form horror

On Thursday I had my first day of seventh form which is my final year of High School. My classes this year are english, journalism, film & television, art design and photography. Persoanlly I think I have the best looking time table at school, we are so lucky that we get to do a double of one of our subjects each day and only have four classes to attend.

At Wellington High School the sixth and seventh form students begin at ten twenty in the morning which cuts us a fine deal if you don't like getting up early. However later on the year you find some students running to school early, even before the juniors, to get in work due for NCEA and I am proud to say that I am one of those students!

I love school, I can't actually complain about it only my lack of having stress and time management under control. For 2008 I have a feeling things will be different because I am not hanging out with a dumb crowd, I'm not even hanging out with anyone (so far...) and it hasnt been horrible.

Fidel's has taken a good turn and finally got their goodness back and I've enjoyed sitting alone with a book, coffee and cigarette for my lunch time. Although I am not ruling out visitors or lunch time buddies.

I've done my stationary shopping and bought myself more Moleskine's this year. A girl in my english class frightened me on Friday, she got overly excited as though she was about to wet her pants, drop to her knees and worship me.

"Nicolette are those Moleskine's?!"
"Uh... yeah..."
"Oh my God I love Moleskine's!"
"Why is she so excited over my books?"

So yeah, there aren't many people this year I can really see myself with in a social atmosphere who go to my school. Especially ones who get excited over my stationary and for those who ask me where I buy my clothes from, forget it, I'm not telling you.

This year I feel so comfortable with who I am becomming that when I had to stand up in front of my journalism class the three things I said about myself were:

"I hate doing these things because I am never satasfied with what I say. I over plan everything before I actually begin it and I am a dick because I think highly of myself. I'm not pretentious, I'm just a fuckwit."

Okay so teachers, they're all fantastic and classes they're all too big. Time to kick out people who don't really want to be at school, don't have a good reason to be in the classes or have never taken the class before. Especially you photography newbies. Fuck off, you wont do a good job in seventh form if you have never done been in a dark room and don't know what to do, you're just wasting time and taking up enlargers.

I can see this year turning be in to the beyond geek chic or I could completely flip and be too cool. I hope it is geek chic dominant with rebel rebel on the side like a dipping sauce.

Back to school term eating habbits!

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