Sunday, March 23, 2008

Blacknote & The HE-4-ACO-DMT

This song goes out to Whitesnake, Poision and KISS because they can suck my fucking dick! - Sam Sproull, This City Sunrise

Night one of Rock2Wellington was last night and I couldn't actually give a fuck. Wellington needs mopping up after every street sweating in bogan band t-shirts. Instead of Rock2Wellington (or Summerset) I went to a gig at Blacknote.

Blacknote is a grungey flat on the corner of Cuba and Vivian Street and is situated on top of Bluenote bar, hence the name, Blacknote. Ever since I was little I always wanted to go beyond the purple door and when I was fourteen or fifteen I finally got granted entry. I know that anytime I walk up the stories of stairs to that flat I am always guranteed a sweet time. Whether it be seeing a friend, trying new drugs, drinking new drinks or attending gigs that are a little too hardcore for my taste, but totally awesome anyway. It is like beyond the purple door is another diemension.

On a more dumb note, Vice Magazine. I wasn't going to say anything, but it is been a few issues now when I really haven't been able to stand the content. Volume 6, The He-4-ACO-DMT Issue of Vice was obviously gagging for tits and ass and the only way that they could incorporate this was in a tasteless photoshot called Flash. How ground breaking... So yeah, just something small that I wasn't impressed with so far this Easter weekend.

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