Sunday, March 2, 2008


I really like my friends. Their company is what I need and it is strange to think that we haven't even known each other for a year, for older friends it is probably just hit the six month mark. I wouldn't say that I find it hard to make friends, it's just in the past I have managed to get myself in to some really dumb groups.

Last night I went to Ben, Edward, Dan, Joellene and Ange's flat warming and that is what has triggered this blog. I had a great time partying with the lot in our leather jackets, listening to some of the most obscure conversations and watching some very entertaining dance routines.

I am not with this group of people all the time, but whenever I do hang out with them they always manage to make me feel like a V.I.P.

Sometimes I do worry and get paranoid that they don't enjoy being around me and that because I am seventeen and they're all a couple or more years older, I am sub-conciously trying to be their age too and it doesn't go down well.

Well, whatever. Things are too great to mess up and I am sure that if I am ever being too un-like me they'll bring this little astronaut back down to earth. They will and have done, even if they haven't realised it - I like it.